Size? Teaser €

Nike Hurache Light Racer Thumb
Huarache Light
Nike Hurache Light Racer

Update: Confirmed on the Size? Instagram account today, this is indeed a Huarache Light retro release (the first non-Free edition in a long time) sporting the same colourway as the original Huarache Light Racer. releasing in-store and online at Size? stores this Friday the 11th of July! Stay tuned for potential wider release info, but to avoid heart-crushing disappointment get your PayPal affairs in order and  set your alarms, these joints are sure to fly fast!

have teased a tasty image on their Instagram feed, wetting our appetites for an upcoming release of some kind. It's got the OG Huarache Light Racer colourway, but the sole has been kept out of view here – could this be another Free edition? Let's hold hands and pray to the sneaker lords not. A little birdie just flew past and mentioned that this is actually most likely a Huarache light release with Racer colours... Sounds pretty sweet, let's hope that's the situation. Stay tuned for more info, you know we're gonna bring it to ya?

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