100 Most Influential Air Max Of All Time (Part 2)
Can you believe the mighty Max franchise has been with us for 29 years? Over that time, Nike has blessed us with a whopping 9,728 different make-ups spanning the entire Max spectrum. From the cult favourite Air Max Plus to the big-in-Tokyo 95, Air Max has become the ultimate canvas for collaborators and Nike colourists.
As part of this year’s Air Max Day celebrations, for the first time ever, Nike will be handing the reins to sneakerheads and giving us the power to pick one Air Max above all others. Check this list of the 100 most influential releases of all time then select your all-time favorite. If it’s crowned numero uno, Nike have promised to put ‘em back on shelves for a second time. Pretty cool!
Warning. There’s a few obvious lost gems (notably colabs) that for whatever reason, are absent from the list. We can only speculate on the reasons, so just remember that narrowing 9728 down to 100 is no mean feat. In any case, this could be your one and only chance to get your favourite Air Max remade.
Check out part one of the ‘Air Max 100’ (part one is listed ), and head to the to cast your vote. You can only vote once a day, but they won’t stop you voting every single day until it finishes on March 25! For what it’s worth, we’re voting for the atmos Viotech Air Max 1 and we hope you do too. These beauties are more than ten years old and well overdue for a refresh!