Twinkle Toes: The All-Time Greatest Swarovski Sneaker Colabs

Nike Swarovski Air Max 97

This article was originally published on November 19, 2021.

While Swarovski have been glass masters since 1895, it took over a century for their glistening gems to show up on some of the world’s most popular sneakers. Limited editions featuring Swarovski began appearing in the early 2000s, and these refined rocks remain a popular choice for sneaker customisers. However, in the late 2010s, there was a small but not insignificant uptake in big brands teaming up with Swarovski for rhinestone reworks of their classics. Here are seven of the all-time greatest Swarovski sneakers to ever hit the streets!

Want more all-time greatest? Check out SF's compilation of the best-ever releases here.

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