‘Time to Bring it Back’: Hiroshi Fujiwara Deconstructs the fragment x Converse Weapon


The godfather of Ura-Harajuku fashion, Hiroshi Fujiwara, has been around the block long enough to know when it’s time to revisit a classic. Originally discovering the Converse Weapon in Japan after looking for something to skate in, Fujiwara and his exalted fragment design imprint are now applying their signature touch to the mid-80s hardwood hooper.

To celebrate the collaboration, Sneaker Freaker hooked up with fragment’s fearless leader to unpack the latest weapon in the Converse arsenal.

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fragment design x converse weapon

What was your relationship with Converse growing up?
For me, it started as a basketball shoe. The first basketball shoes I ever bought were Converse.

Tell us about the first time you saw the Weapon.
I first discovered the Weapon in the late-80s/early 90s when I started skateboarding and was looking for shoes to skate in. I remember seeing it on the shelf and thought the design was cool, and later I found out it was more so a basketball shoe.

fragment design x converse weapon

What were some of the pieces you referenced in the archive in the lead-up to this collaboration?
Nothing particular – I thought I have not seen Weapon in a while, so I thought it was about time to bring it back.

What were the design considerations you had to make when working on the Weapon?
Staying close to original colour blocks – changing them just a tiny bit. I thought of using the blue, which indeed is somewhat iconic to my shoe designs in the past, and I thought it would look good in this particular design.

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Who will be wearing this shoe? Describe the consumer in your eyes.
As usual, I designed this shoe for myself. But I would be happy if the Weapon gets reintroduced to younger kids through my collaboration.

Tell us about the future of Hiroshi and Converse. What’s up your sleeve?
I don’t know yet, but I sure hope there will be more. I enjoy both designing and wearing Converse shoes.

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