Inside Makeway: North America’s First Women’s Dedicated Sneaker Store

makeway canada womens sneaker store
makeway co-founders abby albino and shelby weaver

Women’s agency to carve out their own space in the sneakersphere is stronger than ever – and all around the globe there are so many individuals who are doing this in their own right. To celebrate International Women’s Month this year, we’ve addressed this through the theme: how are women taking control of their narrative in 2023? Among the leaders is Canada’s Abby Albino and Shelby Weaver, co-founders of Makeway: North America’s very first and only women’s dedicated sneaker store. Check out our conversation below.

In relation to sneakers and streetwear, do you feel we are moving into the strongest era yet when it comes to women taking the reins and driving the culture on their own terms.
Absolutely, we are seeing more and more women working at various brands and we're seeing more and more women designers/celebrities collaborate with brands. Women are starting to take up space and it's great to see the industry seriously pay attention to such a huge and rapidly growing, share of the market.

Looking forward, how are you looking to keep evolving this space?
Physically growing is the next step in our evolution. We've grown so much so quickly and we are quickly outgrowing our current shop. Having a bigger space will also allow us to engage with our community more, do more programming, and ultimately have more space to celebrate women.

To visit Makeways online store now, head here.

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