Sneaker Photography 101: Shooting Your Shot
Your IG likes are abysmal, no one’s sliding the fire emoji on your Stories, and the only comments on your pics come from bots saying ‘Awesome feed!’. So what’s wrong? Simple: your sneaker photos suck.
And you’re not alone. Nearly 29 million Instagram posts are slapped with #Sneakers and you don’t have to scroll far to see the majority are hot garbage. Basic photography techniques like composition and lighting are forgotten, and editing tropes like rocketing contrast and brightness are rife.
If you’re an offender, don’t toss aside your dreams of influencing tweens just yet. We’re here to help. Rather than whinge about the state of sneaker IG — which we’d really like to do — we’re keeping our criticism constructive and offering an entry-level course into shooting your shot. This is Sneaker Photography 101.