Taste the Ultimate Trail Mix with the New Merrell 1TRL Collection

Merrell 1TRL

Merrell 1TRL is an all-new division set up to forge a futuristic design revolution for the brand founded by Randy Merrell in 1981. Like its titular forebear, the conceptual spirit of 1TRL is still firmly rooted in backcountry utility, but there’s no doubting the new-gen urban adventurer will find plenty of quirky heat in this campfire.

Merrell have long promised to make ‘the best hiking boots ever made’. With 1TRL as their fashion-forward laboratory, they now have some of the wildest and most futuristic boots on the block. This is the outdoors, just not as we know it, and that’s a very good place to be.

The Merrell 1TRL Spring/Summer 21 collection is set to launch across Europe and in the UK from mid-March, with North America and Canada landing in April, directly from  Merrell.

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