The Evolution of Tyler, the Creator's Sneaker Style
A lot about Tyler, the Creator has changed since he first started cussing into potato cameras and uploading to YouTube. But, on the face of it, his sneaker style isn’t one of them. If you glanced Young T’s feet over the years you’d see that he’s divided his time between two brands: Vans and Converse. However, if your gazed lingered at what’s going on under those tube socks and stick-and-poke tattoos, you’d see things aren’t so binary.
You might even have some questions. For instance, what was he wearing before his public image was honed? What’s up with trying to beef with Lil Bow Wow over Jordans? Can we read into his Vans choices during his come-up? And was his Converse switch organic or was he just securing the bag? These are pressing queries on which our journalistic integrity hinges, and which we’ll answer during our deep dive into Tyler, the Creator’s sneaker style evolution.