Tips for Sneakerheads That Have Recently Become Parents

Tips for Sneakerheads That Have Recently Become Parents

If you’ve been a sneakerhead since the 1990s – or the 2000s, for that matter – there’s a fair chance you may have been struck by the call for perpetuity. Whether you’ve already managed to procreate or have given it serious thought (avidly practising in the meantime), there’s a fair chance that having children will impact how you approach your sneaker obsession. 

After all, becoming a parent is a truly life-changing experience. No matter how prepared you might think you are, there’ll always be changes to your life that will surprise you. Finance, sleep, relationships, time... the list goes on. Luckily for you, we’re here to share our tips for those juggling their passion for sneakers with trying to raise small human beings.

Tips for Sneakerheads That Have Recently Become Parents

Choose Wisely

Having kids is expensive. That disposable income you used to splash on all the latest releases will now be sucked dry by essential items such as baby formula, childcare fees, and disposable diapers. This means you have to be a little more savvy with your choices. Don’t just throw cash at the most hyped releases. Sit, wait, and pick something that won’t be out of style within the first six months of purchase. Think something timeless – like the Nike  Air Force 1 or the Converse  Chuck 70.

Tips for Sneakerheads That Have Recently Become Parents

Comfort Is Key

Think you know tired? You’ve got a whole new thing coming! Say goodbye to those coveted weekend sleep-ins. Plus, you’re likely to be spending a lot more time on your feet than usual – getting up to change diapers, taking Bub for a walk to get them to sleep, and hanging out your third load of washing for the day. This is where comfort becomes the key. Find yourself a super cushy build that moulds to your feet, something like a Nike Free or the adidas  UltraBOOST for that all-day comfort. 

Tips for Sneakerheads That Have Recently Become Parents

Get The GORE-TEX Flex

You’re about to be exposed to a whole range of bodily fluids that you never expected to be splashing over your footwear. We’re talking puke, snot, spit, wee and, ahem, poo in a variety of consistencies. Keeping your sneaker rotation clean in such an environment can be complicated, so you might have to start sussing the growing list of creps that are protected by GORE-TEX. You know about GORE-TEX? If you’re wearing shoes protected by this magical membrane, all you’ll need to do to clean them is a quick swipe with a baby wipe – packets of which you will now not be leaving home without. Or, for that little extra care and attention, load up on the latest sneaker care products.

Tips for Sneakerheads That Have Recently Become Parents

Hide in Plain Sight

Look, we’re not here to judge. Parenting is tough. Finding a bit of ‘me time’ is an ongoing challenge. Sometimes you’re just going to want to disappear. What better way to become invisible than start adding some camo to your rotation? Hide in plain sight. If that fails, choose a camo shoe with a bit of speed so you can run away from your responsibilities as fast as humanly possible.

Tips for Sneakerheads That Have Recently Become Parents

Matchy Match

There’s arguably no stronger indication of your sneaker obsession than a willingness to shell out the big bucks for a pair of pint-sized Grails your kid will probably grow out of in six months. But don’t let that stop you from going all in for a matching pair of your favourite sneaker flex. Plenty of big releases now drop in the full family-size range. Think of the Instagram likes. You’ll get tons of them for a super cute on-foot with your offspring. As an added bonus, you might even inspire your child to join you in your lifetime passion for sneakers, giving you something to bond over for decades to come.

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