12 Mar 2014

Industry News

3d Printed Sneaker A Look Into The Future?

3 D Printed Sneaker

We sometimes get to pondering about the future of shoe manufacturing here at SF, and the rapid evolution of 3D printers makes us think a more localised, maybe even personal production system could emerge in the coming decades. Will we not buy shoes complete from a store, but buy and download a design blueprint to print our own kicks? Could there be shoe piracy in the future? Maybe it's all closer than we think, because this new video by Recreus, who make the filament that is used to forge 3D printed designs, shows a sneaker shape being created automatically from scratch. It's pretty impressive – yeah it looks like it's in desperate need of a midsole and a bit of colour, but the 'Sneakerbot' is a decent start! Watch the demo below...

12 Mar 2014

Industry News

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