Release Date: adidas x Balenciaga Collection


adidas and Balenciaga are continuing to merge the worlds of luxury fashion and sportswear, creating a remix that’s quickly becoming one of the most memorable pairings of the 2020s.

First revealed back in May, the sneaker and fashion industries were given a taste of what it would be like if two of the biggest brands in the world buckled down to co-exist in one collection. Showing the range at Balenciaga’s Resort 2023, masked models were sent down the runway in the collaborative gear. Items were available to purchase online after the show, with certain pieces even selling out!

Now adidas and Balenciaga are preparing for the next release in their ongoing partnership, which is set to drop on November 3 and will include garments, hats, bags, Speed Trainer and another Triple S.

The release of the collection comes off the back of both brands confirming they have cut ties with former collaborator Ye.

To check out the full collection, visit Balenciaga here.

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