19 Apr 2016

Industry News

adidas Is Killing Nike On Reddit Right Now

Adidas Beat Nike On Reddit 2
Adidas Beat Nike On Reddit 1

Everyone loves a David vs Goliath story, even if it's really just a story of Goliath vs a bigger Goliath. In layman's, that's exactly what's going down between and right now, and Team Trefoil is going strong. Young sneakerheads who aren't overly concerned with nostalgia for models that came out before they were born are flocking to adidas' innovative new models. A cursory glance at news feeds around NMD launch times indicates huge levels of hype for the brand, which is backed by those who are looking into the numbers.

Max Doblin, a numbers dude with a penchant for sneakers, paid attention to adidas' takeover of IG last year, and decided to run his own test on Reddit's r/sneakers platform. Analysing the group of 75,000 sneakerheads for 30 days over March and April, he looked at the numbers of posts about specific brands, and deduced that Nike was getting wholeheartedly slain across the board.

Over the period, adidas edged out Nike by 14%, and by 21%., and even though and were frequently in the mix, they only made up 3% and 5% of discussion in total. Doblin also noted that his 30 days fell across high press periods for Nike (read: Air Max Day, and Kobe's last game), and that adidas fans were competitive during these periods, basically taking the opportunity to throw shade with their 'fade to black' and 'No Air Needed' posts.

While rumours of Nike's death have been greatly exaggerated, Doblin's research is fairly reflective of the Ws adidas are racking up at the moment. You can read his post in full here.

19 Apr 2016

Industry News

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