28 Feb 2011

Industry News

Ben Davis X G-Shock Preview

Ben Davis G Shock 9 1
Ben Davis G Shock 3 1
Ben Davis G Shock 11 1
Ben Davis G Shock 10 1
Ben Davis G Shock 7 1
Ben Davis G Shock 4 1
Ben Davis G Shock 5 1
Ben Davis G Shock 6 1
Ben Davis G Shock 8 1

Heritage US work wear brand and West Coast hip hop standard Ben Davis have minted their very own G-Shock, answering the challenge of rival brand Dickies who teamed up with G-Shock late last year. The Ben Davis DW-5600E comes in a classic black colourway with branding on the face and the brand's ape logo smiling through the backlight. Due out in Japan this April, you can be pre-order online from Bench at the Greene. Thanks to G-Street and My G-Shock for the news.

28 Feb 2011

Industry News

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