Buckshot Shorty Starting Sneaker Brand?
We never like to diss people out there having a go and trying to do something good, so it's with some sympathy we see New York rapper Buckshot Shorty's latest business venture doesn't seem to be getting the kick start it needs. Buckshot had a vision, like many folks before him (including ) to create affordable sneaks for the streets. Buckshot even said 'I want my shoe to be $75 USD forever', which shows he's either really generous, never thought the shoe would be on shelves long, or really hasn't grappled with the concept of inflation and how it could affect his bottom line yet. Either way, we're not sure these shoes will arrive in any shops – the Kick Starter page only raised just over $1,000 of the $160,000 goal before deadline. Eeeek! Good luck, Buckshot, it looks like you're gonna need it! Peep the flicks of the designs above and inspect the Kickstarter page .