28 Feb 2010

Industry News

Carrot Clothing - F#&k War!

Carrot Clothing China Mike Tee 1
Carrot Clothing Velour Hoodie 1
Carrot Clothing Delete The Elite Tee 1
Carrot Clothing Peace Varsity Jacket 1
Carrot Clothing Univerzalis By Zevs Tee 1

Carrot Clothing is a safe-house for revolutionary minds and designs. Formed in Serbia in the late 90s, a period of intense political uphevals, this should come as no surprise. In an effort to uplift lagging spirits and voice personal concerns about freedom and human rights, founder and designer, Alex Gligorich, began printing t-shirts featuring anti-war messages for family and friends. This move, though courageous, landed him in jail and at the mercy of unforgiving local authorities for spreading alleged 'terrorist' policies. To commemorate the ten years since Alex landed in jail, Carrot Clothing have released a new line of tees and apparel that flip the bird at the pro-war establishment!

Since then, he has regrouped and joined forces with internationally recognized skateboarders, street artists, and other creative minds to establish Carrot Clothing, a brand whose very essence is based upon the underdog, family relationships between art, skate and street communities. Despite its two short years, Carrot is already being globally-recognized as a life style brand in more than 20 countries, having appeared in countless magazines and websites. Past Carrot contributors have included such art stars as ESPO, Superblast, 123Klan, Michael Sieben, Jim Philips, Dalek, Ben Frost, Esteban Oriol, Morningbreath, with many more to come.

28 Feb 2010

Industry News

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