21 Dec 2009

Industry News

CLOT X Juice Be@rbrick

Juice Clot Bearbrick 1
Juice Clot Bearbrick 6 1
Juice Clot Bearbrick 3 1
Juice Clot Bearbrick 4 1
Juice Clot Bearbrick 5 1
Juice Clot Bearbrick 7 1
Juice Clot Bearbrick 2 1

Clot and Juice have joined forces to create a Christmas-inspired Be@rbrick just in time for the holiday season. Taking cues from the shiny ball balls that adorn your tree this yuletide, these are not available to the general public. The only way you can cop one of these ornamental bears is to drop into Juice and spend over HKD$1500 or alternatively you can always purchase the 400% bear for HKD$780. Available from December 14th.

21 Dec 2009

Industry News

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