14 Mar 2011

Industry News

CLOT X KAWS/Madsaki/Kazuki Alienerga Parka

Kaws Erga Parka 1
Kaws Erga Parka 3 1
Kaws Erga Parka 4 1
Kaws Erga Parka 5 1
Kaws Erga Parka 2 1
Kaws Erga Parka 6 1

Clot Inc joins forces with three distinguished artists to create their latest Alienerga Parka. Fusing the work of Madsaki (the creator of Clot's signature Alienerga pattern) with a Kazuki Kuraishi colour scheme, the hooded parka is finished off with 3M Kaws crosses for that extra pop. Add to that leather elbow patches and pocket liners plus a camouflage mask, this is one stealth jacket you'll want to floss this season. Out now!

14 Mar 2011

Industry News

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