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15 Mar 2011

Industry News

Dc Shoes Presents Burning Ink Art Show

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Presented by DC Shoes, the Burning Ink Art Show takes fine arts to the extreme. A handpicked group of street artists, graphic designers and illustrators will be presenting their works at Frank's Chop Shop in New York and UndPlus in Berlin, with the the twist being that at the end of the night their pieces will be set on fire. The only way to save a drawing is by purchasing it and having it tattooed on the buyer's skin! Featuring SSUR, SBTG, Koralie, Xghetto, 123Klan and more, each event will showcase the DC Limited Series and collaboration products. Burning Ink will run in New York from April 7 to 28 and Berlin from June 17 to July 7. Burn, baby, burn!

15 Mar 2011

Industry News

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