Over $355k Fetched in the eBay x Nike SB Dunk ‘Sandy’ Tribute Auctions
, opened bidding on 10 special lots of their ‘Sandy’ collaboration, which were each packaged in a custom crate alongside some other goodies. The auctions ended overnight, fetching over $355,000 towards the Bodecker Foundation.
Each special set contained a brand new pair of the Nike SB Dunk Low ‘Sandy’, plus a single intact shoe in the same colours and a sawn-up pair, and a handsaw also in eBay’s four colours.

The highest bid on a single lot was $42,800, with another lot not far behind at $42,299. The remaining lots each ended in the mid to high-30s, but one went for a relative steal at $29,100. Interestingly, the most contested lot, which garnered 131 bids, ended in the midrange of $36,509. The most expensive lot actually had the least competition, with 85 bids.
Proceeds from this auction event will benefit The Bodecker Foundation, the eponymous project of the late Sandy Bodecker, who masterminded Nike SB in its golden era, and Tanya Cerda, both in tribute to Sandy’s father, NM Bodecker. As stated on their website, ‘The Bodecker Foundation provides creative communities with an extraordinary and energetic gathering place for workshops, mentoring, and collaboration.’
Don’t worry; the Nike SB Dunk Low ‘Sandy’ will release widely later this week (with just a regular box, of course). Check out our guide to locate a pair.