Emerica's Wild In The Streets Is Going Global!
's Wild In The Streets takeover was created to empower skaters the world-over and on June 20 & 21, Emerica is urging board raiders to takeover London, Madrid, Tampa and Montreal. This large-scale, decentralised grassroots movement for the benefit of skateboarders was created to raise awareness. This year Emerica will be traveling to four locations around the world to raise money for local skaters and their needs. The locations were decided by skaters, for skaters.Sunday, June 20 - Wild In The Streets London
Wild In The Streets London aims to raise money and awareness for the project to help maintain the rich history of skateboarding at Southbank, one of the world's oldest and most iconic legitimate street skate spots. For more information, click .
Sunday, June 20 - Wild In The Streets Madrid
Wild in the Streets Madrid aims to raise money and awareness for the local skaters to maintain and improve the existing Plaza Santos de la Humosa. For more information, click .
Monday, June 21 - Wild In The Streets Tampa
Wild in the Streets Tampa aims to raise money and awareness for Boards for Bros to create skateboarding lifers out of unordinary circumstances. For more information, click .
Sunday, June 20 - Wild In The Streets Montréal
Wild In The Streets Montréal aims to raise money and awareness for promoting a healthy skateboard industry in the province of Québec and begin a new skateboarding legacy. For more information, click .