18 Oct 2010

Industry News

Gold Sneakers By Huang Yulong

Huang Yulong @ Neocha Edge 4 1
Huang Yulong @ Neocha Edge 5 1
Huang Yulong @ Neocha Edge 3 1
Huang Yulong @ Neocha Edge 1 1
Huang Yulong @ Neocha Edge 6 1
Huang Yulong @ Neocha Edge 8 1
Huang Yulong @ Neocha Edge 9 1
Huang Yulong @ Neocha Edge 7 1
Huang Yulong @ Neocha Edge 2 1

If gold is your thing then these 24 karat kicks are sure to get you salivating! They're the work of Huang Yulong, a Chinese artist whose blingy busts are a homage to hip hop culture and the way it's made inroads into Chinese society. For more about his work check out NeochaEDGE.

"...my work addresses the phenomenon of foreign culture in China and the extensive influence it has had on legions of local "post-80″ kids from the "only child" generation. I mostly focus on street / hip-hop culture. My creative inspiration is rooted in the origins of these cultures and their development - a new subject in contemporary art in China.

Hip-hop is more than just a type of culture - to me, it's an inextinguishable spirit of being. It's characterized by power, staunchness, purity, sexuality, freedom, desire, courage, and a distinctly modern and urban history full of blood and tears. Hip-hop stands tall as a unique spiritual symbol bursting with connotation in our everyday lives and modern culture. As a kind of collision of western culture and traditional Chinese culture, hip-hop's arrival in China has had an intense influence on me and my generation, and, because of its unique charm, it will continue to inspire more and more people to adopt its tenets..."

18 Oct 2010

Industry News

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