Inside The New Balance X Extra Butter Pop Up Shop
Always trail blazers, have linked with premier New York sneaker boutique for a pop up shop that champions the great outdoors. Set up at 124 Allen Street in New York city, the shop is a trove of both brands’ contributions to wilderness wear.
New Balance are using the site to launch a variety of weatherised, trail-friendly sneakers. Punters will find sneakers like the 580 Mid Deconstructed, New Balance Tokyo Design Studio ‘Niobium’, Trailbuster Re-engineered, Rainier Remastered, Fresh Foam Paradox and Trailbuster Original all set against a mountainous backdrop. Outdoors-inspired garments from Extra Butter will also be available, meaning you’ll be able to walk out with an entirely new fit – and as bonus some who come through the store will even be able to win a hiking trip to the Mohonk Mountain range.
The New Balance x Extra Butter Pop Up will be open until October 16.