16 May 2018

Industry News

Nike Making Moves to Combat 'Institutional Bias'

Nike Inclusivity 1

are implementing diversity initiatives to better handle the way the company manages gender disparity. Business of Fashion reports that a recent sustainability document lays down a plan to ensure women and minorities are treated better than they have been in the past.

In early 2018, we became aware of reports of behaviour within our organisation that did not reflect our core values of inclusivity, respect, and empowerment… We now recognise this is not only about culture and leadership, but also about institutional bias and practices that haven’t kept pace.

Key changes include sending some 10,000-strong manage staff into diversity training, and making all Nike employees go to workshops focussed on ‘unconscious bias awareness training’.

According to Nike’s chief sustainability officer, Hannah Jones, these changes will have to come from the top, and Beaverton will be putting a tidy (but undisclosed) sum of money into making it happen.

16 May 2018

Industry News

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