No Boys Allowed

is a new sneaker boutique specialising just for the ladies, so Freakette's it's time to get your trigger finger ready! With a grand opening only three weeks ago, the store is getting a lot of attention as one of only two storeS worldwide dedicated solely to the ladies. Located in Den Haag or The Hague as tourists call it, smack bang in between Amsterdam and Rotterdam, Cim Froeling, the store owner, has cornered an untapped market in Holland, lacing Freakette's worlwide with the hottest in sneakers and apparel.
On top of being the first store worldwide to stock the new L.A. Gear Stardust collection (which friends also recently collaborated on), there is also DC, Ascis, adidas and much more instore. For all those fiending the L.A. Gear's, Cim has said they will be available from Oct 10th, so keep your ears pinned! Stay tuned for an interview with Cim in the next coming weeks, as we delve further into her decision to start No Boys Allowed and maybe even drop some knowledge into how to open a sneaker store!
Want to know more? Hit up our interview