This Is What People Had To Say About These Totally Real Yeezys

Yeezy Fakes
Yeezy Fake
Yeezy Fake 1
Fake Yeezys
Fake Yeezy 2

As per 'Lie Witness News' format, where he gets people to blurt out ridiculous hot-takes on fictional topics, Jimmy Kimmel has conned people into thinking the shoes shown here are actually real Yeezys. Seeing the stir that the 'Chocolate/Gum' caused when it was released, Kimmel had his team mock up a faux Yeezy from a compass, fake feathers and a $12.50 shoe. He then took the 'shoes' to Hollywood Boulevard where he asked self-proclaimed fans for their opinions.

Some reactions can be attributed to being caught up in the moment, but some are just plain astounding – like the guy who believes the laces are consumable and eats them. The prize hot-take, though, comes from one dude who was quick to prove his Yeezy allegiance by flaunting his own (they, too were fake) and proceeded to estimate their retail price at '$700-$800, I know it might be more'.

Its the stuff you have to see to believe, so without further ado…

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