Remembering Steve Jobs, Apple Pioneer

Apple Shoes 1

We've just been shocked and saddened by the news that Steve Jobs the innovative force behind Apple Computers has passed away at the age of 56 after loosing his fight with pancreatic cancer. Without wanting to be corny at times like these, as lifelong Mac users we can't help but reflect on how Jobs' vision of the future through Apple has transformed our lives.

Those first Macs weren't much to look at, but those tiny black and white screens opened up the world of self publishing to Luddites like us. It's no understatement to say that without Apple and the desktop publishing revolution it pioneered your favourite Boogazine would probably never have left the too hard basket. And with the iPhone allowing us to zap our digital content directly into your pocket, small mags like ours are now able to reach out to readers in real time right around the globe.

As a small tribute to Jobs' amazing life here's a quirky piece of Apple history. For all the high tech gadgetry he will be remembered for, Steve Jobs kept it simple when it came to kicks as evidenced by his love for New Balance trainers and these plain white Apple Computer sneakers from the early 80s.

They may not be the most remarkable shoes ever made, but they're a small footnote in the life of one of the most extraordinary minds of our generation.

RIP Steve Jobs, 1955-2011.

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