Shaq: My Shoes Are The Real Big Baller Brand

has never hidden his disdain for . As the owner of a company dedicated to providing kids with affordable footwear, the Big Shamrock didn’t take well to the . He was one of the first to lambast brand owner LaVar Ball for it, taking to to say ‘Hey [Lavar] real big baller brands don’t over charge kids for shoes.’ And because no one wants to clap back at Shaq, that was the end of it.
Now, Shaq has picked up where he left off – this time on . His recent post shows him decked in white from fedora-topped to toe and dancing in a pair of his shoes, which flash like strobe lights. While funny in the manner that any 7'1" man dancing would be, the best part of the ‘gram is its hashtag – namely the one that says ‘#shaqsshoestherealbigballerbrand.’ At this stage, LaVar Ball hasn’t responded. Perhaps he saw Shaq’s fight with Charles Barkley and decided against it.