Sneaker Lawsuit! Skechers Sue Hermès Over Patent Infringement
Lawsuits are a common occurrence in the sneakersphere, with brands rarely hesitating to sue other brands over everything from patent infringements to fake sneakers!
Skechers seem to love a heated courtroom battle, and they’ve already clashed with , , and multiple times over the course of a few years. Now, following a press release issued on October 18, the comfy, mass-market brand have set their sights on a new victim – luxury Parisian fashion house Hermès.
Skechers allege Hermès released two shoes that infringe on their patented MASSAGE FIT midsole technology from their Go Walk series. The shoes in question are the Eclair and Envol, which the fashion house released earlier this year.
A spokesperson from Skechers stated in the press release: ‘Skechers invests tremendous resources into research and development to introduce fresh, unique and exciting footwear technology to its customers year in and year out. It is disappointing that a company of Hermès ’ reputation and standing has chosen to copy and infringe Skechers’ patented designs. While Skechers always prefers to compete in the marketplace rather than the courtroom, the Company has no choice but to seek legal recourse when competitors blatantly tread on our rights.’
We’ll wait and see how this turns out for Skechers. Stay posted for updates!