Sneaker Designer Donny the Dybbuk Calls Out adidas


adidas have been in the sneaker media headlines for a number of weeks now, primarily because of ongoing partnership shifts between them and Ye. While adidas have yet to comment on anything on the Yeezy front publicly, many are waiting to see what’ll come from the alleged legal developments happening behind closed doors.

In the meantime, another creative in the industry has spoken out on social media, expressing disdain towards the Three Stripes. Sharing images of two pairs of shoes, Donny the Dybbuk points out that his drip design, which he applied to a pair of adidas Campuses, has now shown up on the adidas Nizza. Furthermore, he reminds people that adidas actually hired him to create the customised Campuses in question.

He wrote on Instagram, ‘@adidas hired me a couple years ago to make and post a custom pair for them. Now they just dropped the top shoe in stores with no mention of the kid. Bottom two are my creations. My designs from 2018 are still being applied to the biggest billion dollar companies in the world. ANOTHER PROOF OF CONCEPT. They really tryin hard to catch up lol.’

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