18 Aug 2022

Industry News PUMA TrinomicSponsored

Sneaker Freaker’s Epic TRINOMIC SYSTEM-INFORMATIONEN Book is Out Now!

Sneaker Freaker TRINOMIC Book
Sneaker Freaker TRINOMIC Book
Sneaker Freaker TRINOMIC Book
Sneaker Freaker TRINOMIC Book

PUMA have entrusted Sneaker Freaker to document and deliver the epic tale of TRINOMIC, the brand's innovative honeycomb-shaped cushioning system that padded out the Big Cat’s most advanced sneaker designs throughout the 1990s and beyond.

TRINOMIC SYSTEM-INFORMATIONEN is an updated and expanded version of a magazine retrospective from Issue 46 that is now a comprehensive 160-page hardcover title packed with everything you never knew about PUMA’s premier running, basketball and tennis tech.

The archival adventure begins with the birth of TRINOMIC, before detouring into associated PUMA tech such as the DISC closure system and an update in the form of CELL cushioning.

Delving deeper into the three-pointed logo revealed a Bermuda Triangle of hidden gems, long-lost documentation and intelligence sourced from the Far East. Piecing together the final puzzle required multiple visits to the PUMA Archive as well as painstaking translations of JP catalogues.

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