16 Dec 2010

Industry News

Superdry Party Recap

101202 Superdry 56 1
Diafrix 1
Cleo Wristy 1
Evet Mimi 1
Alex 1
Mimi Cleo 1
Remi Skerrit 1
Superdry 1 1
Skerrit Mara Mimi 1
Superdry 2 1
Timmy 2
Cleo Car 1
Hugh Swick 1
Mimi Skerrit 1
Mimi Crowd 1
Supadry 1 1
Img 0082 1
Skerrit Mimi 5 1
Tutu Tv 1
Cleo Skerrit 1
Diplo Cleo 1
Swick Levins 1
Larry 1
Skerrit Mafia 1
Beers 1
Matt Cant 1
101202 Superdry 43 1
101202 Superdry 12 1
Mimi Skerrit 2 1
Superdry 1

To celebrate their new Melbourne Central store, Superdry took over two spaces for the occasion. Firstly they filled a rustic old furniture factory filled with dormant machinery. Just around the corner DJs Ro Sham Bo played in a gallery space where Diplo made a surprise appearance, jumping on for an impromptu Major Lazer performance with Skerrit Bwoy who found a nearby step ladder to deliver some of his signature dancehall antics aka 'daggering'. With an endless stream of free alcohol and sushi in the place to be, the 11 o'clock curfew came way to soon, so the party up and moved onto Collingwood nightspot Alia for the afterparty! Peep the pics below - more at our good friends, G-Street.

16 Dec 2010

Industry News

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