20 Apr 2009

Industry News

T-World Launch

T World Launch 1

The world's only magazine (or 'journal', as the creators like to call it) dedicated to t-shirts, T-World, is back and bigger than ever, gearing up for a funky fresh fifth edition! Dedicated to all things rock, the party will have a 'sex, drugs and rock & roll' theme, all for a measly five buck fee. 'Entertainment at this cotton-orgy includes a Guitar Hero challenge room, performances by The Babysitters Club, The Night Terrors, Keith! Party and tunes from the Heavy Mental DJs featuring Ann Ominous + Andre Van Glamme, Magda, DJ Denvamax and more', states Eddie, T-World's creative machine. Details below.

The Workers Club

51 Brunswick Street (The Corner of Brunswick Street and Gertrude Street, Fitzroy)

Saturday, 25 April 2009

7:30pm. Be fashionably early to grab the best free stuff.

$5 at the door

20 Apr 2009

Industry News

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