24 Oct 2011

Industry News

The Hundreds Store Exclusive Tees Out Now

Thla Approval 1
Thsf Squadron 1
Thsm Approval 1
Thsm Corndog 1
Thsm Logo 1
Thsm Sign 1
Thsm Squadron 1
Thsm Tile 1
Thny Soho 1
Thny Squadron 1
Thsf Approval 1
Thsf Bridge 1
Thsf Bus 1
Thsf Logo 1
Thsf Painter 1
Thla Logo 1
Thla Rey 1
Thla Squadron 1
Thla Viper 1
Thny Approval 1
Thny Ices 1
Thny Logo 1
Thny Soda 1
Thla Doggy 1

It's that time of the year again where The Hundreds drop their Store Exclusive tees into their four showcase locations. Bad news for cats not living in the US, but great news for Adam Bomb fans who fiend for something a little extra limited. Check the press release below to see what styles are landing at what store. Out now!


Four tees have been created especially for the Los Angeles store:

- the Doggy tee, featuring a hotdog character reminiscent of a Dodger Dog sign at the beloved baseball stadium.
- the Logo tee, sporting a blown up map of Los Angeles in colors representative of the city
- the Rey tee, with a twist on a local Mexican food mascot holding a wad of cash and throwing dice
- and the Viper tee, starring a stylized version of Hollywood's famous Viper Room logo

The four tees to be sold at The Hundreds San Francisco store:

- the Bridge tee, featuring the infamous Golden Gate Bridge in Giants team colors
- the Bus shirt, a nod to 70's style black light posters representing a VW bus
- the Logo tee, sporting a blown up map of San Francisco in colors representative of the city
- and the Painter tee complete with two of the city's most recognizable attractions, a street trolley and the Golden Gate Bridge.

The tees to be sold at the New York location are:

- the Ices tee, a salute to that famous Italian ice logo you can find at almost any bodega
- the Logo tee, sporting a blown up map of New York in colors representative of the city
- the Soda tee, a flip on Soho Natural Soda artwork of the ‘80s
- and the Soho tee, with graphics based on the mural recognized as the entrance of the Soho neighborhood.

Finally, the tees to be sold at the Santa Monica store are:
- the Corndog tee, paying homage to the original Hot Dog on a Stick stand near the Santa Monica Pier
- the Sign shirt, featuring The Hundreds represented on a Santa Monica style street sign
- the Logo shirt, sporting a blown up map of Santa Monica in colors representative of the city
- and lastly the Tile shirt, a nod to Santa Monica public art installations and the tiles that can be found on fountains and bollards alike.

All four of The Hundreds store locations will receive the following:

- the Approval tee, featuring a graphic based on vintage marathon tees of the early ‘80s
- and the Squadron tee, with a graphic based on early ‘40s Air Force fighter pilot jackets.

24 Oct 2011

Industry News

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