Turning Nike Shoeboxes into Turntables is a True Move to Zero

Shin Gwang Nike Shoebox Turntable
Shin Gwang Nike Shoebox Turntable
Shin Gwang Nike Shoebox Turntable
Shin Gwang Nike Shoebox Turntable
Shin Gwang Nike Shoebox Turntable
Shin Gwang Nike Shoebox Turntable
Shin Gwang Nike Shoebox Turntable

The Internet is home to some pretty creative individuals. Among the thousands of sneaker customs floating about, we stumbled across something a little different. A sneakerhead by the name of Shin Gwang has found an extra use for shoeboxes beyond their default purpose to safely house pairs in transit and storage. He’s fashioned a box into the outer case of a fully functional turntable. And as a clear Nike fan, it’s only appropriate that this upcycling activity has been conducted using the brand’s latest recycled cardboard packaging, which reads Move To Zero, in reference to the brand’s current eco project.

After some time studying the photos above, it looks like Gwang has used a Spinbox turntable paired to a Nike shoebox to achieve this sonic creation. Spinbox is a company specialising in small, portable turntables that requires assembly by the user into a sturdy external shell. This means it must have been relatively straightforward for Gwang to simply take the parts of the Spinbox and attach them to the Nike box, which he cut down to size. He also saved the labels, reattaching them to the slipmat.

So, how does a shoebox turntable sound? Swipe to the last frame below to listen. To all but the most stubborn audiophiles, it’s pretty good!

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