adidas Won't Drop Kanye West for His Slavery Comments

Kanye Adidas Slavery 1

Though a litany of think pieces will tell you otherwise, adidas aren't about to drop . The collaborator came under deserved fire when he went off the rails at TMZ and said that 400 years of slavery 'sounds like a choice.'

Many have called for him to be dropped from the brand — much like subsidiary did to Rick Ross when he made unsavoury comments about rape — but Three Stripe CEO Kasper Rørsted has shut down the subject.

The Herzo hegemon appeared on Bloomberg TV to talk about brand strategy and growth, but the conversation quickly veered to Kanye.

‘I hate to press you on this,’ began one presenter, ‘but if someone makes comments that are around the issue of slavery and [implies] that that was a choice, that goes beyond your average comment by an external collaborator. Isn’t it important to get in front of that issue before it becomes a real problem for the entire company?’

Rørsted agreed but deflected, so another presenter came with a more direct question: ‘Have you had any conversations within the business in the last 24 hours about dropping Kanye?’ Rørsted replied with a quiet ‘no’, aligning with his previous comment: ‘Kanye and the Yeezy is a very important part of our brand from a revenue standpoint.’

You can watch the whole interview over at Bloomberg.

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