Air Jordan 11 Custom By Masta Phoenix (Reverse Concord)

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Air Jordan Custom Reverse Concorde 1
Air Jordan Custom Reverse Concord 1
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What's this, does Russia have a little sneaker custom scene brewing? We were the ones to put on first, and it looks like he's inspired his compatriots to get a little crazy, as we see a new boi calling himself Masta Phoenix cutting up a classic to create something new. If you are a dedicated disciple of His Airness, then look away now because this is some serious blasphemy. Da Masta has flipped the Air Jordan 11 Concord, painting black over white and white on the black to forge something that looks kinda okay – but that upside down Jumpman, well goddamn that's like hanging the 'Murican flag upside down or summin'. Photos via Snkrshot, that camera clicker who is documenting the growth of the sneaker scene in Siberia.

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