Blue Flames: notwoways saphfire Sets November Alight

notwoways saphfire
notwoways saphfire
notwoways saphfire
notwoways saphfire
notwoways saphfire
notwoways saphfire
notwoways saphfire

Barely a year since launching, East London sneaker brand notwoways have already made waves throughout the scene with their sell-out drops. Founded by content creative Callum McGinley and footwear designer Rockwell Princeley, the brand is known for creating technical and fashion-forward footwear at an attainable price. That’s demonstrated by their latest design, the saphfire: a blue suede burner that reinterprets traditional design cues with contemporary proportions priced at a reasonable £100.

Technical trail shoes remain something of a zeitgeist within the sneakersphere, and the saphfire is definitely a design that could slot into an outdoors store from the future. Nubuck and suede layered panels are a reverent nod to classic shoe construction, while reinforced bumpers and webbed eyestays with thick roped laces are practical touches in the event of slippery surfaces.

On the topic of loose footing, there’s no such thing with the saphfire, evident by its heavily siped tread that provides a wide and stable platform to stand on. The icy rubber surely helps with sticky grip as well. These good feelings will be experienced inside too, as the phylon and rubber used for the sole features recycled components.

The notwoways saphfire releases exclusively from the brand’s website on November 1. Sizing is unisex, running from UK 3 to 13.

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