Burberry Try the Trail with the Union Sneaker

Burberry Union Sneaker Orange Lateral
Burberry Union Sneaker Orange Top Lateral
Burberry Union Sneaker Orange Front
Burberry Union Sneaker Orange Heels

Like many high  labels dipping their toes into rugged, outdoors-inspired footwear,  have hopped onto the bandwagon by offering their own take: the Union.

It is aptly named, given the shoe appears to be a union of different genres, materials and colours. For the most part, the layered nylon, canvas, leather and rubberised upper implies some off-road connotations. Then the beefy-looking midsole and outsole shows promise before the realisation comes that it’s a sneaker placing form before function.

That said, giving Burberry $750 puts the Union into an undeniable bracket of luxury trail-ish shoe. And not many sneakers earn that particular title.

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