Converse Aero Jam Retro

Converse Aerojam Exuberance
Converse Aerojam Peacock Blue
Converse Aerojam Grey
Converse Aerojam Catalogue Illustration
Converse Aerojam Peacock Blue 1
Converse Aerojam Peacock Blue 2

is pulling the 20-year-old Aero Jam ball boot out of retirement! It was Larry Johnson's signature shoe way back in 1993, and judging by the look of the re-release, they didn't throw the blueprints away. It appears a faithful reproduction, though we haven't fondled it in the foot flesh yet, with all the components like the REACT ankle bladder and Visiheel and removable lace overlays looking pretty staunch in the three fresh re-introduction colourways (which include the OG teal as well as two newies, the orange 'exuberance' and a grey rendition). Converse is sitting on a treasure trove of retro basketball bangers, so could this bring-back be the spark that lights the fireworks and sends all the old favourites out of the archives and across the world? We hope so. The Cons Aero Jam drops at Foot Locker on November 14. Pics via Sole Collector.

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