Incoming: Converse's Epic NBA Collection

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Ho17 Nba Ctas Se Inspired Chicago Bulls 159418 C Detail 1 W2 Rgb Copy
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are basketball's OG sneaker brand, and they’re showing their dedication to the sport with a monstrous collection of eye-popping Chucks. Featuring Chuck 70s and Chuck SEs, the offering represents every NBA team and wraps each shoe in killer team colours and logos.

The collection is split into tiers: the 70s belong to the 'Gameday' release, are numbered 1–250, and made from authentic NBA jerseys backed onto leather; the SEs sit in the 'Franchise' pack and celebrate the teams’ cities with uniquely detailed suede and moulded outsoles.

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Converse Nba Collection Featiure

With supply limited and such sharp craftsmanship, these Chucks are set to be collector’s items for the NBA afflicted. This release will be available on September 29; look for the 'Gameday' pack to launch through  Foot Locker, and 'Franchise' pack to land on  Converse online.

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