Converse Japan’s ‘Timeline’ Collection is Period Correct

Converse Japan Stars Bars Vintage Leather Styled
Converse Japan Stars Bars Vintage Leather Lateral
Converse Japan Stars Bars Vintage Leather Front Angle
Converse Japan Stars Bars Vintage Leather Top
Converse Japan Stars Bars Vintage Leather Box

The ‘Timeline’ collection by Japan is a sneaker nerd’s dream: the never-ending quest to make exact reproductions of product from earlier eras. Every stitch, panel pattern, and screen print is scrutinised and replicated. For example: this upcoming Stars and Bars ‘Vintage Leather’.

Just look at the details: softly-sheened black leather. Dense weave shoelaces. Black and white heel nameplate. Heritage printed insole logo. Archive box. We could go on and on about the minutia that makes this shoe great.

This should be releasing in select Converse Japan locations. There is no sign of them yet on the webstore, but here’s hoping!

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