New Balance 998 (Camel Blue)

New Balance 998 Camel Blue Sneaker Politics Bump 5
New Balance 998 Camel Blue Sneaker Politics Bump 4
New Balance 998 Camel Blue Sneaker Politics Bump 3
New Balance 998 Camel Blue Sneaker Politics Bump 2
New Balance 998 Camel Blue Sneaker Politics Bump 1
New Balance 998 Camel Blue Thumb
New Balance 998 Camel Blue 4
New Balance 998 Camel Blue 3
New Balance 998 Camel Blue 2
New Balance 998 Camel Blue 1

UPDATE: This stands as one of the clean-cut 'non-colab' New Balance we've seen all 2015. There is still pairs on hand globally if you're still needing to pick yourself up a pair, at spots inclusive of Sneaker Politics.

Can anyone give us ten good reasons why we shouldn't fork out our cheddar for these burner ? … Didn't think so, so here are five good reasons why you all should buy them too: They're made in the USA, so you know the quality is on-point; pig skin suede is like meat sauce to spaghetti – pure fuel; 998s have one of the best overall shapes in the NB family; leather detailing make any $250 USD price tag justifiable; it's Monday, you probably don't want to be at work, you're probably still hazy or hungover from the weekend, and you're probably looking for any good reason not to do work and make yourself feel worthwhile. The moral to the previous points: work sucks, these NBs don't! Right now at Rise.

- Originally published on October 12, 2015.

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