Nike Air Force 1 (Volt)

Nike Air Force 1 Low Volt Thumb
Nike Air Force 1 Low Volt
Nike Air Force 1 Low Volt 2
Nike Air Force 1 Low Volt 3
Air Force 1 Volt Thumb
Air Force 1 Volt
Air Force 1 Volt 2
Air Force 1 Volt 3
Air Force 1 Volt 4
Nike Air Force 1 Volt
Nike Air Force 1 Volt Thumb

UPDATE: We got more photos of this striking AF1 from AWOL, various sources have confirmed that the States will be getting these finally on December 20th.

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Looks like the Nike designers needed a break from all the releases and decided to vent with this very Volt . Hat's off to you if you think you can pull this number off....available now from  Kinetics in Japan.

- Originally published October 2nd, 2014

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