Nike Air Huarache (Total Orange/Black)

Nike Air Huarache Total Orange Black
Nike Air Huarache Total Orange Black 3
Nike Air Huarache Total Orange Black 2
Nike Air Huarache Total Orange Black 1

Here's a silhouette that needs no introduction and is looking mighty fine dressed in all back with some flashy hits of Total Orange, yep, it's the Nike Air Huarache. The original 1991 sock-like sneak receives much retro love, and deservedly so. Tinker's chunk of funk runner design first dropped in tidy two-colour/black and white blends that were enough to make us all go gaga, and after being resurrected in their OG schemes by UK's earlier this year they've been popping up as Foot Locker exclusives in a slew of colourways, including this -esque edition. Get yours now exclusively via Foot Locker EU… You know you wanna.

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