Nike Air Max 90 Ultra Br (Scenery Green)

Nike Am90 Ultra Br Scenery Green Thumb
Nike Am90 Ultra Br Scenery Green 11
Nike Am90 Ultra Br Scenery Green 1

'Scenery Green', hey?! Here's how we picture it went down; Nike employee that gets to name colours is having a great day at work, throwing down some 'Dark Loden' titles here, a few 'Flash Pinks' there, when all of a sudden a beautiful pair of AM 90 Ultra BRs slides into his DMs – this pair of Ultra 90 BRs. Immediately euphoric from the package of bubbled beauty that has just landed in his lap, clear as day, the name burns bright into his mind – "I SHALL NAMETH IT, INFRA-GUCCI." Marvellous! He calmly, cooly, rushes to flex tell all his co-workers of his streak of genius and they all share his enthusiasm. A Nike suit higher-up strolls into the room to check out the commotion and with a swift and cold breath, slices the congregation in half. "We don't own Gucci. Get back to work I need another 30 Sock Dart colour names by lunch…"

Well alas, it could have gone something like that. You don't need your dreams shattered today, double cop the f$@k out of these before they are gone bubble-burners! right now.

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