28 Apr 2015


Nike Dunk Cmft (Black Denim)

Nike Dunk Cmft Black Denim Thumb
Issue32 Footer16
Nike Dunk Cmft Black Denim 1
Nike Dunk Cmft Black Denim 2
Nike Dunk Cmft Black Denim 3

Not sure who at Nike has got the gripe but when was the not comfy? This Black Denim do-up is part of a gang of Dunks that come under the new 'CMFT' banner, meaning re-tooled outsoles for ultimate comfort – or so they say – and a more lightweight streamlined feel. Streamlined feel ain't the Dunk we know. The Dunk we know is padded fat, built to take anything your grip-tape or the hardwood can throw at it and gives you the feeling that you've got the most stylish case of foot elephantiasis this side of the sun! Good things can't last forever we know, but please, Nike if you're reading this don't murder our beloved Dunk anymore.

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28 Apr 2015


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