Nike Dunk High Sneakerboot (Mahogany)

Nike Dunk High Sneakerboot Mahogany 3
Nike Dunk High Sneakerboot Mahogany 5
Nike Dunk High Sneakerboot Mahogany 4
Nike Dunk High Sneakerboot Mahogany 2
Nike Dunk High Sneakerboot Mahogany 1

Same song and dance, just a different colour to put you in a trance. That's kind of the feels we're getting with the whole 'SneakerBoot' range lately. Sure, the tech is dope, the concept stylings are even doper, but does anyone else here see the same brown sneaks day in, day out? Quality over quantity, Nike, and not the other way around, please! Legit, at $150 USD a pair of special , all you really need is one set a season and you're done. But, don't get it twisted, I am all for sporadically throwing my money at a new pair of Nikes, but this market saturation issue is becoming too much. No sneakerhead needs 100 pairs of brown winter-ready boots in their collection, and if you do, you better have a goose-down and turtleneck collection that would make even the Hotline Bling king jealous. If you really must cop these, they're on right now.

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