Nike Flyknit Racer (Orange Slice)

Nike Flyknit Racer Orange Slice 6
Nike Flyknit Racer Orange Slice 5
Nike Flyknit Racer Orange Slice 4
Nike Flyknit Racer Orange Slice 3
Nike Flyknit Racer Orange Slice 2
Nike Flyknit Racer Orange Slice 1
Nike Flyknit Racer Bright Crimson Volt 1

UPDATE: Peel yourself a pair of these when they land on on June 12.

Nike running out of ideas, maybe? Nope, not yet, but this edition of the does look suspiciously similar to the rendition of recent. Trainers over Racers any day, but no doubt these will be a hit amongst Flyknit fans – look for them hitting select Nike accounts in the coming weeks.

- First published on April 25, 2015.

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