Nike LeBron 12 (Witness)

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Nike Lebron 12 Witness 1

LeBron James' people – can we get this guy his own copper statue already?! He may have not surpassed the G.O.A.T. just yet, but he is sure as hell on the right path after that performance in Game Two of the final series yesterday. And if we're being honest, the backstory – or lack thereof – with this edition of thedoes not even matter. Here's a healthy tip, ten years from now when LBJ is kicking back drinking brewskis in the Bahamas reminiscing about his dominance in the league, some kid is gonna pay you a small fortune for anything with the King's name on it – trust! It's all about those long-term investments kiddies. Or just wear your shoes, whatever floats your boat, it's cool. Launching June 13, at and Swoosh accounts of course.

Originally published on June 9, 2015

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