Nike Zoom Soldier 8 Flyease

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In the words of Bill Bowerman, 'If you have a body, you are an athlete'. This statement by the co-founder is the mentality upon which the company was built and continues to inspire the design team to accommodate each and every athlete for their own needs. In what is, without any doubt, the most heartwarming sneaker news you will read all day, Nike has unveiled a modified interpretation of the branded the FLYEASE. Inspired by Matthew Walzer, a passionate college freshman living with Cerebral Palsy, the FLYEASE has been created to bring independence to athletes who struggle with laces. Looking very much like the LeBron signature shoe on the surface, the FLYEASE is fitted with a wraparound zipper at the rear, allowing the wearer to get the shoe on and off with minimal hassle. The Zoom Soldier 8 FLYEASE will see a limited release on July 16 through For the full tearjerking story behind the FLYEASE, check out the video below.

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